Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral with a high tensile strength, the ability to be woven and is resistant to heat, electricity, and most chemicals. Because of these properties, asbestos fibers have been used in a variety of building materials since the late 1800s, such as roofing materials, ceiling and floor tiles, paper and cement products, wall plaster and thermal insulations. Asbestos can be found in almost all buildings constructed prior to 1989. When asbestos is disturbed and becomes airborne, it may enter the respiratory system if the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is not used. Long term exposure to airborne asbestos may lead to respiratory diseases such as Asbestosis, Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer. Due to the significant public health hazards associated with long term asbestos exposure, the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned all new uses of asbestos in 1989 and established stringent regulations for the handling and disturbance of asbestos in the U.S. DEP has regulated handling of asbestos since 1987. Before asbestos is disturbed, approval from DEP is required.
New York City building owners are responsible for having an asbestos survey performed by a DEP-certified asbestos investigator to determine if asbestos-containing materials (ACM) may be disturbed during the course of work on their building. The size and scope of the abatement activity, with particular reference to the total amount of ACM that will be disturbed, determines the reporting or filing requirements. If it has been determined that ACM will be disturbed, building owners are required to retain a licensed asbestos abatement contractor and air monitoring company to abate such materials. Failure to perform an asbestos survey to determine the presence of ACM prior to the commencement of work, or failure to retain a licensed asbestos abatement contractor to file a project notification will result in penalties ranging from $1,200-$10,000 per infraction. Such projects must be filed with the DEP at least 7 days prior to the project start date, in accordance with the Abatement Forms & Filing Instructions.
For filing instructions for abatement activities of ACM as well as information about our Asbestos Reporting and Tracking System (ARTS), visit Abatement Forms & Filing Instructions.
Asbestos Handler Certification Applications
We certify asbestos handlers, restricted handlers, asbestos handler supervisors, and asbestos investigators. For instructions for asbestos handler applications, visit Asbestos Handler Certification Applications.
List of Certified Asbestos Investigators
DEP certifies more than 250 asbestos investigators per year. Certificates are valid for two years. Please note that business telephone numbers are listed alongside the names of certificate holders who have requested that their number be displayed on the DEP’s website. If you are looking for asbestos handler or investigator certification forms, please visit Asbestos Handler Certification Applications.
DEP does not provide recommendations or referrals. While selecting an asbestos investigator, the Asbestos Control Program suggests reviewing the individual’s violation history (if one exists). Violation histories may be obtained within 48–72 hours by faxing a request to (718) 595-3749.
Licensed Asbestos Contractors
We do not provide recommendations or referrals. Violation histories may be obtained within 48–72 hours by faxing a request to (718) 595-3749. A complete list of licensed contractors and air monitors are available by contacting the New York State Department of Labor.
Air Monitors and Laboratories
Laboratories must have accreditation in the Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP) administered by the New York State Department of Health. A complete list or verification of current laboratory status is available by contacting the New York State Department of Health.
Master Environmental Hazard Remediation Technician Registration
You can register with DEP after successfully completing the required environmental remediation training programs or courses from an approved training provider and presenting your certificate of completion to the commissioner.