Steps to a Successful Avon Fundraiser – Selling Avon Tips

Are you an Avon Representative and you’ve been thinking about doing an Avon Fundraiser? Maybe you’ve been considering doing an Avon Fundraiser, but you don’t know where to start? Does the thought of an Avon Fundraiser make you feel nervous? If you’re looking for ideas on how to get started, who to talk to, what to say and how to promote your Avon Fundraiser, you’ve come to the right place!

I’m about to show you how easy it is to start an Avon Fundraiser and tell you all the different ways to promote it so you can ensure it will be a success. We’ll talk about everything from finding an organization, to setting it up, to promoting it and even how to write a press release to get your Avon business featured in your local media.

Why Start an Avon Fundraiser? Avon Selling Tips and Tricks

Table of Contents

To start, you might be wondering how an Avon Fundraiser can benefit you and your Avon business. While Avon Fundraisers are not always designed to generate a high profit margin, they are great for gaining an edge toward sales goals – like those required for Avon President’s Club.

In addition, Avon Fundraisers allow you to become an active philanthropist in your community and they offer valuable networking connections that may not have otherwise been possible. More networking connections mean more possibilities for new customers and new Avon team members. Find out more about how Avon Fundraisers can help you network like a pro.

Furthermore, Avon Fundraisers can open doors to new customers to your Avon business. When someone shops your fundraiser because they are supporting another institution, they can become aware of you as an Avon Representative. Maybe they have never even tried Avon products before and thanks to their support for another organization, they have fallen in love with the products. Whenever someone buys from that organization, they can become linked to you as their Avon Representative.

Other options to approach are schools, local organizations and even individuals who are trying to raise money (you may even ask them about becoming an Avon Representative!)

Reaching out to the organization

Once you come up with an organization, it’s time to reach out to them and describe what it is that you are offering to them and how you can help. The more you can personalize your message to describe how it will benefit THEM, the better your chances of signing the fundraiser. The more specific you can be about what you can offer the better.

We determined the cost of the Christmas trees and figured out how much we would have to raise to supply the entire nursing home. We advertised the fundraiser and raised the money to fund the Christmas trees. Then we placed our order and delivered the Christmas trees.

You have the ability to do the same thing with any item available in the Avon Catalog – so long as you are prepared and organized and plan ahead to place your orders early.

Step Three: Set up A Photo Opportunity

Once you’ve chosen an organization and narrowed down a fundraiser platform, it’s time to start preparing to advertise your fundraiser. While you and the organization can totally post on Facebook about your intentions to raise money – pictures really help enhance your story. A great picture accompanying your post can really make a successful fundraiser.

This is yet another way that your organization’s liaison can help you. Reach out to the person you are working with and ask if they can help you get a picture that depicts what you’re trying to do.

You may need to order some demo products in to stage the picture. You can use those products to donate later. Dressed in your Avon Fashion or business attire arrive at your picture location with the products you’re hoping to donate. Take several pictures from several different angles. And make sure to take horizontal and vertical pictures so you have a wide range to choose from for your advertisements.

If others are involved or benefitting from the fundraiser, you can further enhance your advertisements by getting them to agree to be in the pictures. Take pictures both of yourself with them, them alone and any organization officials you can round up. Your liaison can help you coordinate all of this.

When we decided to raise money to donate the Avon Iconic Christmas tree to nursing homes in our area, we worked with our liaison to stage a picture where we gave one of the trees to the residents who agreed to help us with the picture. We took pictures with the residents, with our liaison, and with nursing home officials.

Step Four: Advertise Your Avon Fundraiser

Once you’ve taken your pictures, it’s time to share them!! It’s starting to get real now!

Before we talk about the different places to advertise your fundraiser – a word of caution. If you put the time into taking multiple pictures to help advertise your fundraiser, it’s best not to give them all away in one spot at one time. Having a variety of pictures can help you stand out on different advertising platforms.

Now let’s talk about how you can start to advertise your fundraiser.


I love advertising on Facebook because of tools and resources that are easy to use. If you are doing a flyer fundraiser, you can set up a Facebook Fundraiser and collect money on Facebook (more on that later) and invite all of your friends and family to support you. You can add the organization that you’re working with as a contributor to the fundraiser and they can invite all of their contacts as well. Then, the Facebook fundraiser will automatically alert people periodically about the fundraiser. It’s a great place to post pictures and updates to keep the fundraiser in people’s minds. And then you can share the pics on your personal timeline with all of the people on your contact list. And those people can share with their contact list.

Online Fundraisers on Facebook

I love using Facebook to advertise online fundraisers as well. When you partner with an organization to run an online fundraiser, it is important to get that organization involved in sharing the fundraiser. This will determine the success of the fundraiser overall. The purpose of an online Avon Fundraiser is to increase your contact base – which will happen if the organization is sharing the fundraiser with their contacts.

That being said, you, as the Avon Representative, can make it easier for the organization to share the fundraiser. One way of doing this is by setting up a dedicated Facebook group for the fundraiser. To do this you would just create a Facebook group and include the organizations mission and goal. Then ask your organization to have all of it’s members invite ALL of their contacts to the fundraiser group.

The organization should periodically share their mission (bonus if their posts include pictures) and you as the Avon Representative can share products and what they will DO for the supporters (BONUS if you can provide direct links to the product by navigating the fundraisers link yourself). You can schedule these posts out using Avon Social so you dont’ have to make time to post every day.

The key to successfully getting your local media outlets to cover your fundraiser is to do AS much of the work FOR them as you can. One way that you have already done the work for them is by setting up a picture. When your picture is paired together with an informative and well-crafted press release, it eliminates the need for a reporter to schedule a time to come out and talk to you. Since you’ve done the work for them by creating your own photo opportunity, you can answer any additional questions you may have over the phone. Which makes it easier for the paper to cover your fundraiser.

The other key to getting your local media outlet to cover you is finding a contact that works there. Think about your contact list and who they may know. Or get involved in your community by joining a community service group or Chamber of commerce. When you have a contact on your side, it helps keep your story idea from getting lost in the shuffles of dozens of press releases. It can be helpful to research reporters names and email on the media outlets website.

After my family’s funeral, I was given a locket as a part of a fundraiser developed by another family who had lost their child. The locket was so precious to me and for a long time I wore it around my neck with a piece of Hailey’s hair inside.

I had always wanted to accompany my book with something else – something tangible that would bring someone else comfort. But I couldn’t find the right accompaniment.

The Hailey Hugs Initiative

Then, in 2018 I joined Avon and I was introduced to Herbie the Hedgehog. And, as I found out, it was a match made in Heaven. I paired the stuffed animal with a copy of my book and I called it a Hailey Hugs bundle. We donated these bundles to area hospitals and to families who were grieving. They were distributed to women who had suffered from miscarriage, children who had recently lost a parent or sibling and families who had lost a child – just to name a few.

The Hailey Hugs Initiative was so successful that I decided to incorporate my initiative into a 501c3 nonprofit organization that raises money to comfort families while they are grieving.

Avon is so much #MoreThanMakeup. Fundraising is just one example of how the Avon opportunity can change lives – not just in it’s representatives, but in the community around them too.

Interested in Becoming an Avon Representative and doing an Avon Fundraiser?

There are so many reasons to become an Avon Representative, but you have to decide for yourself, Is Selling Avon Worth it? When you sign up to become an Avon Representative, you can make $1000 in 90 days with Avon’s Kickstart program. You can also learn how to Sell Avon Online using Social Media and begin sharing your new business with your closest family and friends. Did you know Avon offers a free website so that you can get started sharing immediately?

Sign up to Sell for Avon Now!

Jennifer Francis is a National Leader with Avon and the founder of Timeless Beauty Life – where she encourages people to create their own lifestyle that is timeless by creating memories that last a lifetime.

Jennifer is tied for NUMBER ONE in the country for personal leader development – where she develops her team members and helps them to make more money in the company. She helps other representatives with free tips and training in her Facebook Group Timeless Beauty Lessons.

The Hailey Hugs Initiative

She is also the founder of the Hailey Hugs Initiative, which seeks to provide comfort to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. She is the Author of A Hug Through the Air – a children’s book she wrote in memory of her 22 month old daughter Hailey Hallam.

Jennifer loves giving back to the world around her and encourages her team to do the same, while simultaneously showing them how to create a lifestyle that is more open to making memories with family and traveling.

Connect with Jennifer Francis

You can Find her on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest or join the growing community of people and discuss how to create YOUR own Timeless Beauty Life. The Timeless Beauty Life Facebook community offers travel tips, organizational tips, recipes, family tips, beauty tips, health tips and so much more. Come discuss YOUR passions with us by Joining the Timeless Beauty Life Facebook Group.

About Avon

New Avon LLC* (“Avon”) is the leading social selling beauty company in North America, with independent sales Representatives across the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada. Avon’s product portfolio includes award-winning skincare, color cosmetics, fragrance and personal care products, featuring iconic brands such as ANEW, Avon Color, mark., and Skin So Soft, as well as fashion and accessories. Avon has a 130 year history of empowering women through economic opportunity, and the company also proudly supports efforts to end breast cancer and domestic violence.

More About the Company

This is the company that puts mascara on lashes and food on tables. That fights wrinkles with one hand and breast cancer with the other. That knows the value of a perfect lip, but still opens its mouth and speaks out against domestic violence and for women’s financial independence. This is the company that not only brings beauty to doors, but also opens them. This is Avon. The company that for over a century has stood for beauty, innovation, optimism and, above all, for women.

What Avon Does for Women

Everyday, Avon brings beauty to the lives of women. At Avon, beauty means more than finding the right lipstick shade for a customer. It means providing an earnings opportunity so a woman can support her family; and championing causes that matter to many women – eradicating breast cancer and ending domestic violence.